Let's start from the assumption that there is only one God.

If Christianity, Judaism and Islam say that there is only one God, then shouldn't we be talking about the same God?

Story that Judaism and Islam are under smaller and less attack, I will simply discard. All are under the same attacks. The reason is that every holy book says that it is the only right one. And I understand it this way: every  every religion is the only correct one for those who were born in it. But making that religion right does not make  the others wrong. "Disbeliever" is a word reserved for the ones that don't believe in god at all and not to members of other faiths. That's what separates people and that's the one thing I can't understand. They will not stop until they kill each other. As much as I think that Religion is good for mankind, it is the source of many differences that people badly interpret.

Further more, I will not mention Islamist extremism. (at least in this post) They do not see beyond their noses. In their heads Qur'an preaches something that is certainly not even close to the real message of it. (I will talk about this in further posts)

I think the same for extremism of every faith, and that each has its own way it conducts violence. It is not about Islam, Christianity or Judaism, they all had their inglorious moments. In my country people say: same shit different package.

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